Zach Vaughn
Jan 20, 2023
The Breastplate of Righteousness
What does this mean for your life, then? What do you do when the flaming arrows of guilt and shame are thrown at you?

Zach Vaughn
Jan 12, 2023
The Belt of Truth
Everything in our society wants to “catechize” (instruct) you in what they deem to be true.

Zach Vaughn
Dec 21, 2022
Peace Inaugurated
You can turn on the news or sit down to have a conversation with your family and see that peace seems to be elusive.

Zach Vaughn
Dec 13, 2022
Love Incorruptible
Our love for Christ is incorruptible because Christ is incorruptible. This is true of every facet of the Christian life.

Zach Vaughn
Nov 30, 2022
Spiritual Warfare: Christ's Strength
Ultimately, standing firm in the midst of spiritual warfare is about looking to Christ and trusting in His strength.

Zach Vaughn
Nov 23, 2022
An Appetizer For Thanksgiving
A holiday such as Thanksgiving should give us ample opportunity to peel back the layers of life's busyness, and meditate on Christ...