Zach Vaughn
Jul 25, 2022
Grace For Good Works
“What are we saved for?”
This is an essential question to ask ourselves when we ponder what our lives should look like as followers of...

Zach Vaughn
Jul 13, 2022
Made Alive By Grace
This passage gives us one of the clearest pictures of what Christ does for us in the gospel.

Zach Vaughn
Jul 8, 2022
Prayer for Power
As a church, we must be connected to Christ, who is our "head." We cannot do anything of eternal value if we are not resting in His immeasur

Zach Vaughn
Jun 28, 2022
The Guaranteed Inheritance
This is the third blog post on the longest sentence in the Bible, Ephesians 1:3-14. Though there is so much rich theology in this short pass

Zach Vaughn
Jun 21, 2022
The Cosmic Redemption
The word "redemption" was used to refer to someone ransoming someone else either from slavery or from kidnapping. This is a beautiful word f

Zach Vaughn
Jun 18, 2022
The Loving Adoption
As a church, we are currently in a series on Ephesians entitled "Church Alive in Christ."