2 Corinthians 9:7-8 ESV
“Each one must give as he has decided in his heart,
not reluctantly or under compulsion,
for God loves a cheerful giver.
And God is able to make all grace abound to you,
so that having all sufficiency in all things at all times,
you may abound in every good work.”

Our church building is in need of repairs. Thank you for giving! We have received all funds of $5,000 to complete Phase 1 of our church building repairs. We will commence work on Phase 1 this fall.
Phase 2 of our Capital Campaign is for $13,000 to replace the windows in the sanctuary.
To give online, click the GIVE button above and choose “Church Repairs Projects” from the drop down menu, or designate the same on the memo line of your check.
Machias Valley Baptist Church (MVBC) offers several ways for you to give financially. In addition to the traditional giving of check/cash during Sunday morning offerings, MVBC now has the ability to give securely online using “Tithe.ly Giving.”
“Tithe.ly Giving” is a company that works with many churches to provide a means to give via credit card, EFT transfers, Apple pay, or Google pay using your computer or mobile phone/tablet. Currently Tithe.ly only supports EFT giving using a “checking accounts.” No support for “savings accounts” EFT giving is available at this time.
All gifts given by this online payment are tax deductible and you will receive an emailed receipt for each gift and an annual giving statement.
You can select where your gifts are applied (General fund, Missions giving, or special giving) and can either do a one time gift or setup recurring giving.
All you need to do is click on the “Giving” button, which will take you to the MVBC Tithe.ly webpage. From there you can either enter the your information (name, email, account or credit card #) along with your tithe amount or you can login (or sign up) to have it use your info you have already stored.
Tithe.ly does take a small fee for the use of the online giving, however this is taken out of the gift amount you are giving and will only add the additional amount to your giving total if you choose to select the “cover the fee” box.