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The gospel is the central truth of the entire Bible.

The word gospel means “good news.”


The good news in the Bible is that though we are spiritually dead - sinners by nature and by choice, God did not leave us in this condition with no hope.  Because God is holy and perfect, our sin separates us from having a relationship with him as He originally designed when He created the world (read about what happened in Genesis 3). To remedy this cosmic problem, God sent His Son, Jesus, to die on a cross to pay the penalty for our sin.  He took our place and paid our debt to God. But He didn’t stay dead. He rose to life again after three days and is now in heaven with God the Father. Jesus conquered Satan, sin, and death.


How can we be saved from our sin and mend our broken relationship with God? The Bible tells us in Acts 16:31: “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved.”  It also says in Romans 10:13: “If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God has raised him [Jesus] from the dead, you will be saved.” When you do that, God forgives your sin, your relationship is reconciled to God the Father, and the Holy Spirit comes to dwell in you, giving you power for a new life – one that lasts for eternity. (Acts 2:22-39; Romans 1:16-17; Romans 3:21-26; Galatians 3:13-14; 1 Corinthians 15:3-8


Not only did Jesus pay for the penalty of our sins, He also died to free us from the power of sin (1 Peter 1:17-23). This means that sin no longer has a grasp on your heart. As a follower of Jesus, you will begin to lose your taste for sin and will begin to desire the sweetness of Jesus. This is not an immediate thing, but a life-long process. And one day, when we are with Jesus in heaven, we will be free from the presence of sin (Revelation 21:4). There will be no more sin, no more brokenness. We will be in paradise forever with Jesus and all of His people throughout history.



That, my friend, is good news!


That is the gospel.


That is the first step on an incredible journey with Jesus.




We believe that this gospel is the foundation of our walk with Jesus and fuels everything we do.



We believe that it is the "power of God for salvation to everyone who believes." (Romans 1:16)


Do you have more questions? Please reach out to us.

We would love to talk with you.


8 Broadway | Machias, Maine | 04654

(207) 255-4476

Sunday Morning Worship 10:30am

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